Fleek Network Node

Oct 21, 2023

How to setup a Fleek Node and participate in testnet

What is Fleek #

Fleek Network is an open-source Edge Computing Platform to accelerate the development and execution of decentralized Web Services.

The system builds on a distributed network of nodes, where services run within a fair and incentivized ecosystem constituted by an open community of developers and operators who can operate nodes, build services that use the network’s resources, or consume Fleek Network services on the Edge.

Applications, platforms and protocols build and utilize decentralized services on Fleek Network to optimize performance and reduce dependency on centralized cloud providers. Developers can build faster and launch better products by offloading parts of the stack to the Edge to focus on core features.

Website: https://fleek.network/

Discord: https://discord.gg/fleekxyz

Docs: https://docs.fleek.network/docs/

Pre-requirements #

Server hardware:

  • VPS or Dedicated Server
  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
  • 16Gb+ Ram
  • 6+ vCPU
  • 100Gb SSD


  • Metamask

Network Name: Fleek Network Testnet

RPC URL: https://rpc.testnet.fleek.network/rpc/v0

Chain ID: 59330

Currency symbol: tFLK

Setup Node #

Connect to your server with SSH!

  1. Create a new user (remember the password, need later!):
sudo adduser fleek && sudo usermod -aG sudo fleek && su fleek && cd /home/fleek

You should see the following after the process:

enter image description here

  1. Run the install script:
curl https://get.fleek.network | bash

Select the Natively option to install (~30 minute)

Select how you'd like to run the Fleek Network:

1) 🔫 Natively (recommended) <----- SELECT THIS ONE
2) 👾 Docker Stack (unstable/experimental)

Type your selection number>
  • Follow the steps it will ask for your fleek password
  1. Get Details for staking

Enter the following command and copy the details

curl https://get.fleek.network/node_details | bash
  1. Check logs
tail -f /var/log/lightning/output.log
  1. Check health

It should show: running and staked

Activate Staking #

1. Add Fleek Network to your metamask:

Network Name: Fleek Network Testnet

RPC URL: https://rpc.testnet.fleek.network/rpc/v0

Chain ID: 59330

Currency symbol: tFLK

enter image description here

2. Open the Faucet website

Website: https://faucet.testnet.fleek.network/

Connect your wallet enter image description here

Mint FLT for staking enter image description here

Enter Node Details for Staking enter image description here

Your Node is ready, keep checking the health of your Node!